To create a successful work of architecture, your church needs to ask 4 essential questions in order to proceed confidently. Our Development Feasibility Study is the most economical way for a church to answer these questions. It’s a cost-effective first step, with no commitment.
what do we need?
Working with our clients we develop a Space Needs Assessment that discovers how much and what kind of space is required by your various user groups. We provide a questionnaire to be completed by said user groups, collect the information and prepare a summary of the required spaces along with a preliminary area allocation which results in an estimate of the required building area. This allows us to develop a preliminary cost estimate of the project based on average square foot prices.​


sTEP 1
Developing a Space Needs Assesment.

StEP 2
Drafting a Financial Assesment.

sTEP 3
Preliminary design concepts.

sTEP 4
Preparing accurate cost estimates.
what can we afford?
Of particular interest to our church clientele, our financial consultant will prepare a detailed Financial Assessment of the project, looking at the project in light of the client's ability to fund the development. This assessment results in an accurate estimate of how much a client can afford and forms a reasonable basis on which to develop the new building design.

what will it look like?
Only when we have the first two questions answered do we begin actually designing a new facility. We tailor the design to the budget set by the client. The design process usually results in a number of design approaches that are gradually refined until you are satisfied it fits your space needs and budget parameters.

what will it cost?
As the design develops, we prepare cost estimates of the various options as they are considered resulting in a final estimate of the selected design.

Whether your church or company is wondering if they can redevelop their existing property to serve their growth needs or trying to determine if you need to sell and relocate, our Development Feasibility Study still applies.
The result will be a design solution and cost estimate for both.
With this information in hand our clients can proceed confidently forward.